Polyester and Vinyl Ester Coatings
- Polyester and Vinyl Ester coatings are used in areas that are subject to acidic contamination or that require a high level of protection from spills.
- Because of the relative thickness of these materials, they are sometimes referred to as “linings.” Polyester and Vinyl Ester coatings are applied much like epoxy coatings, but require more skill and may require extended curing time.
- When properly selected and professionally applied, polyester and vinyl ester coatings provide a smooth surface that will meet even the most demanding specifications.
- As with epoxy coatings, additives may be used to increase slip-resistance and to add color flecks/grains to the floor for aesthetics and to camouflage the presence of dust and dirt.
- To work properly, these coatings must be applied to extremely clean floors that are in excellent condition. Because of the relative thickness of polyester and vinyl ester coatings and their chemistry, heat is produced during the curing process. It is generally recommended that resins be added to the coating to help prevent shrinkage, cracking and delamination.
Introduction to Generic Coating Types:
Lloyd M. Smith, General Editor, Corrosion Control Consultants and Labs